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Interviews : A Q&A with Goatwhore

By on May 28, 2012

The USA’s Goatwhore first toured Australia back in 2010 with Job For A Cowboy and Behemoth. Since then they have released a new album, the ferocious yet catchy Blood For The Master, and are now coming back on a somewhat more fitting tour. Alongside Singapore’s Impiety and Tasmania’s Ruins, the band will be returning in early July, so we thought we’d have a bit of a Q&A session with vocalist Ben Falgoust.


You released your new album “Blood For The Master” earlier this year, and it’s certainly a lot thrashier than it’s predecessor. Did you approach the album in a different way or was that just the way it naturally turned out?

It was a natural thing. We don’t feel comfortable forcing things. We focus on each record as its own entity with no pressure from past releases. The only elements that change are maturation of the band and different influences as time passes. Sometimes the element of resurfacing older influences comes into sight and things change a tad bit, but overall I feel it is a solid representation of what Goatwhore’s sound is and the logical evolution of the band.

Are you finding it harder to write and keep things fresh as time goes on?

Not necessarily. As writer you will always come to points that seem like a wall, but for myself I see it as a moment to step back and away from the song and see things in a different aspect. Sometimes songs just roll out with no problems and other times they have a certain secret behind them that needs to be unlocked. It is all in the approach and the willing aspect of the members involved in those structures.

You worked with Erik Rutan yet again on the new album. I gather you all simply work well together?

We all have a really great relationship with Erik. He is almost like a secret fifth member of Goatwhore at this point. He knows what we are looking for in a recording and has some great ideas and input to what we do as a complete unit. The other great thing is that he acknowledges our input as well. Parties on both ends are willing to try something new to help the journey in recording an album.

Goatwhore have always gone with the sacrilegious lyrical themes that the style of music is commonly associated with. Was that trend (for lack of a better word) part of why you went down that path, or are you genuinly passionate about the problems of organised religion?

We do cover different variations of lyrical content that rotate the problems with organized religion. I am very much into the darker aspects of life, mixed with content of making puns of religious ideals. I also include my own personal aspects in the lyrics as well. Some may feel it is fictitious at times, but it is my individual approach and isn’t that what it is all about? Isn’t it the stand to be an individual and represent your own ideas whether they don’t fulfill everyone’s wants? It is the idea to be unique and not just a part of the herd.

You toured here for the first time back in 2010 with Job For A Cowboy and Behemoth. Should we expect a vastly different setlist this time around?

Yes. We will be playing a bunch of material from the new record. We will also have select songs from our previous release but we are in the mode to force the new songs on listeners in a live setting. If they haven’t heard or bought the record yet, this is chance to have everyone hear new stuff along with earlier tunes.

How did you find that first tour of Australia? Any interesting stories?

It actually went over really well. We didn’t really know what to expect. New place, new listeners, did anyone ever hear of us before? We were made the offer to come over and play and we figured why not, a new territory, a new scene to play in front of. We actually received a great response and were taken in quid well.

Did you have much of a holiday while you were down here, or was it just a quick in-and-out tour? I noticed this new tour is simply four straight days.

It was rather quick, just like other tours. We got to do a few things but overall it is in one city, play, have some fun, a little rest, then off to the next show, cycle repeats. I think we have one day off prior to the start of the tour, we may be able to get some sight seeing in or excessive drinking. The possibilities are endless.

The band have been around for fifteen or so years now, with some very extensive touring in there. How has the way you tour changed over the years?

Not much except for the steps of advancement in modern technology. We have always had a van with trailer when touring in the U.S. and still do to this day. The touring structure changes when we do Europe or even Australia. There are flight expenses and other things to cover since we don’t have any means of transportation outside of the U.S. We just sort things out with the times and what can possibly work with minimal funds and such. The evolution of cell phones and GPS systems has helped in touring greatly over the years. Other than that it is always the trusty, and untrusty at times, van.

When you’re not working on your own bands, what are you listening to? Are there any recent records that have really grabbed your attention?

All sorts of things. All Pigs Must Die, Nails, RAM and 3 Inches Of Blood are some new recent releases that have totally grabbed my attention. All Pigs Must Die and Nails are very straight forward and vicious. I really like the impact they both have in such a small amount of time. RAM is more like traditional metal, which is great for us. 3 Inches Of Blood are an amazing act of traditional heavy metal as well. We have done 2 tours with them and they never fall short of a great performance. We are all already big fans of bands like Judas Priest, Iron Maiden, Mercyful Fate, Motorhead, Celtic Frost, etc.

Any last words for your Australian fans?

Get. Ready. These shows are going to be intimate and chaotic. Especially with the addition of Impiety to the bill as well. We are looking forward to the whole adventure and hopefully the fans are as well.


Mitch Booth is the owner, designer and grand overlord of Metal Obsession. In the few seconds of spare time he has outside of this site, he also hosts a metal radio show over on PBS 106.7fm in Melbourne (Australia) and organises shows under the name Untitled Touring. You should follow him on Twitter.