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Interviews : Anarchsphere – 29/08/2008

By on August 30, 2008

Anarchsphere have established themselves quite well within the Melbourne metal community of late, with a 3 track EP, various successful gigs around Melbourne and recently scoring a national tour with US thrash metal legends, Testament. I recently had the pleasure to speak with Brett and Lach of Anarchsphere to discuss all things metal.

Metal Obsession: G’day Brett and Lach. Thank you for taking the time to speak with us at Metal
Obsession, would you like to give us a quick introduction of yourself and
the band?

Brett: Hello fellow metal obsession readers, My names Brett
( aka Bruton) I create and play the beats in the band Anarchsphere which are based in Melbourne Australia. Other members in the band that try to match my excellence are Isaac (guitar), Chris (guitar), Max (vocals) and Lach (bass).

Lach: Anarchsphere is a bunch of down to earth, hard working Aussie dudes trying to create a strong and unique sound in an increasingly scene orientated genre… with bad bowel habits.

Metal Obsession: Could you explain to the Metal Obsession readers how the band first

Brett: Isaac Petrie and I started Anarchsphere back around June 2005 when we were toying around with what style and sounds we wanted to put out through the band, this was soon added to by Chris Coupe and Dave Leonard, who added another edge to the band’s blade. By the end of 2006 our bass player Steve left the band and we recruited a recent mate (and Sphere fan) Lach Weir, who moved down from Sydney to join. Thennn Dave left the band around July 07 and shortly after Maxwell Bones filled in as front man. So after a few up and downs with line-up changes we seem to have come round to land on a solid sounding band!

Metal Obsession: What is the bands major influence at the moment, musically speaking?

Lach: I think one of the key factors to the Anarchsphere sound is that both individually and as a band we draw influences from a huge range of groups. To name some of the main ones; Meshuggah, Hate Eternal, Chimaira, Decapitated, Tampora “ Excuse me “ Pantera and Devolved.

Metal Obsession: You guys have had relatively good success with the release of a 3 track
EP back in 2006, produced by none other then D.W. Norton of Superheist
fame. The album showcases amazing production value and has the quality to
rival the most well known metal acts in the world. How was it working with
Norton, and did he teach you any tricks of the trade?

Brett: The outcome of what we did with D.W definitely helped the band stand out at the time, giving the songs a powerful and strong edge. The way it has been received is a relief and reward for us and makes the rocky road we had to travel to get to that final product more worth while.

Metal Obsession: Is there a chance Anarchsphere will be releasing a full length album in
the near future. If so, can we expect the same style of music thats on the
3 track EP, or have you guys been experimenting with new things?

Lach: We’ve actually written the big juicy bulk of the material for the album and are now crunching down on going through the songs with a fine-fucking-tooth comb. There’s definitely a lot of what could be called the classic ‘Sphere’ sound to the new material but at the same time there’s more of a musical finesse to it. More integration of melodic technicality as well as rhythmical aspects used, and just overall improving our song composing.

Metal Obsession: Would you consider working with D.W. Norton again in the future for an
upcoming full length album, or are you wanting to head into a new
direction with production and sound?

Brett: While overall we’re happy with the way the previous recording turned out, it’s definitely not something we’d want to repeat for our debut album. Bands increasingly these days rely on that incredibly modern, over-produced sound to make up for mediocre song writing and that’s something we would like to try and steer away from. We are still contemplating on who and where to record with, as we’re after a raw yet huge sound.

Metal Obsession: In the midst of the 3 track EP and various successful gigs around
Melbourne, you guys have landed your first national tour with none other
then US thrash metal legends, Testament. How were you guys selected for
such an event, and did Testament contact Anarchsphere personally for the

Lach: We’re stoked enough as it is without a personal call from Chuck! The Testament tour is the kind of opportunity we’ve been itching to get for awhile now, with a few possibilities like it coming up and then dieing in the arse along the way, it just makes it even more rewarding to get the spot.

Metal Obsession: Have Testament had the chance to listen to any Anarchsphere material,
what were their thoughts?

Brett: Rumours have floated around about if the guys have heard our stuff but to be honest we don’t know, I guess they’ll be able to hear us three nights in a row!

Metal Obsession: For someone who has not had the pleasure of seeing you guys live or
listening to your studio material, what can they expect?

Lach: They can expect a high energy show with head-bang-inspiring brutality, comedic relief and a sound fatter than San Diago… that is of course, “a whale’s vagina”.

Metal Obsession: Will Anarchsphere be showcasing any new material on this upcoming
national tour with Testatment?

Brett: Yeah we’re trying to mix up the set with golden oldies and some new babies. We’ll be opening our set with the intro and first track off the album! The song currently has the sophisticated working title of “funtits”, which is turning out to be one of the more prominent Sphere tracks, which can be tough to play and gives the guns a good run!

Metal Obsession: The Australian metal scene is quite well known around the world for
producing amazing talent to lead on to do great things and represent our
metal community well. Do you follow the Aussie metal scene at all, if so
do you have any bands or musicians that have brought the band and you
personally, inspiration?

Lach: Most definitely, if it weren’t for some of Australia’s exemplary metal bands, the metal scene without a doubt would not be where it is today. Two stand outs to us would have to be Psycroptic and Devolved, these bands are masters of their craft that have started on something that was different and made their own unique fingerprint on the international metal scene. That’s the biggest inspiration for some bums like us!

Metal Obsession: This next question was actually sent in by an Anarchsphere fan. “You
fall sick before your biggest show ever. Who drums?
John Sankey (Devolved, Limb from Limb) or Joey Jordison (Slipknot,

Brett: Ahh, fuck that I’d get someone really shit to play so it would magnify my talents. If one of those guys replaced me for the gig, they’d show me up big time!

Metal Obsession: Where can metal fans pick up Anarchsphere’s music or merchandise?

Lach: Come to a gig! Best way to try before you buy! Hopefully in the near future we will be setting up an online store to buy merch, as soon as we figure out this internet thing…

Metal Obsession: Finally, do you have any last words to the readers of Metal Obsession
and the Aussie metal community?

Lach: Don’t get too absorbed in the latest American trend bands and go support fuckin Aussie metal!

Metal Obsession: Cheers Brett and Lach, best of luck on the national tour with Testament. I look
forward to seeing you guys live again.

Brett: Thanks Anwar and Metal Obsession for the interview and running such a top shelf website! Awesome to see people properly supporting and promoting Aussie bands, see you at the show!

Upcoming Anarchsphere gigs:

19th Sept 2008
Ocularis Infernum @ The Coolstore, Moorooduc
w/ Anarchsphere, Moredhel and Eye of the Enemy
Tickets available at the door 8pm, $12.

26th Sept 2008
@ HiFi Bar, Melbourne
w/ Picture The End and Anarchsphere
Tickets from


Anwar is the editor-in-chief of Metal When Anwar isn't busy promoting tours, interviewing bands and reviewing awesome music, he loves to collect metal vinyl and play video games. Follow Metal Obsession on Twitter and Facebook